
Welcome to j2Xtreme


j2Xtreme is dedicated to enhancing all points of productivity thoughout the enterprise software development lifecycle.

j2Xtreme synthesizes rapid application development techniques with practical J2EE-based architecture into a simple, powerful, elegant, easy-to-use framework. At present, j2Xtreme has two primary components:

XBeanMicrokernel-based service oriented architecture framework.
XWidgetComponent-oriented application framework that allows J2EE applications to be built from a toolkit of highly-reusable and highly-structured components. XWidget draws on many of the best design aspects of well-known desktop toolkits: Qt, SWT, Swing, Gnome, COM/MFC, etc. XWidget is not meant to be a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a tool ideally suited for small- to mid-sized business applications: data-entry, administrative, systems management, etc.

While there are other projects offering similar capabilities, none of them offer the simplicity, power, elegance and ease-of-use provided by j2Xtreme. The enterprise software landscape is littered with the ruins of technology--some good and some not so good--that has been misused in every way conceivable. We would like j2Xtreme to be so simple as to be idiot-proof.